Thursday 22 August 2024

Hypocrisy: A Hidden Epidemic

 Hypocrisy: A Hidden Epidemic

Hypocrisy, the act of pretending to have beliefs or feelings that one does not actually have, is a pervasive issue in our society. It's a phenomenon that often goes unnoticed, yet it can have profound consequences.

Hypocrites in Our Midst

Hypocrites can be found in all walks of life, from politicians to celebrities to our everyday acquaintances. They may preach one thing while practicing another, often without realizing the irony of their behavior. Sometimes, we may even find ourselves exhibiting hypocritical tendencies, without even being aware of it.

The Nature of Hypocrisy

Hypocrisy often manifests in the way we treat others. We may be kind and compassionate towards some people while being judgmental and critical of others. Our behaviour can vary depending on the situation, the person we're interacting with, or our own personal biases.

The Intentional Hypocrite

While some people may be unintentionally hypocritical, others may intentionally engage in such behavior. Their motives can vary, from personal gain to a desire to maintain a certain image. Regardless of their intentions, their hypocrisy can have a negative impact on those around them.

The Societal Impact of Hypocrisy

The extent to which hypocrisy affects society depends on the individuals involved and the nature of their actions. When public figures or influential individuals engage in hypocritical behavior, it can erode trust and undermine the foundations of society.


Hypocrisy is a complex issue with far-reaching consequences. By recognising the prevalence of hypocrisy in our society and understanding its causes, we can work to address this problem and create a more honest and authentic world. While it may be difficult to eliminate hypocrisy entirely, we can strive to be more mindful of our own behaviour and hold others accountable for their actions.

A Question of Leadership: Patience, Respect, and Team Spirit

A Recent Incident Sparks Debate

Today, a particularly thought-provoking incident occurred during our morning prayer. A student eloquently suggested that we should be mindful of our words, knowing when to speak and when to remain silent. This timely reminder was followed by an administrative speech that, while initially inspiring, took a turn that raised eyebrows.

The administrator began by commending the students on their excellent skit performance. However, the tone shifted as they proceeded to make a series of statements that seemed to border on harsh and dismissive. One particular comment, suggesting that employees should quit if they're unhappy, caused a stir among the audience.

Leadership and Respect: A Delicate Balance

This incident raises several important questions about leadership and respect. Can an authority figure address subordinates in such a manner? Is it acceptable for a leader to dictate terms that may seem unfair or insensitive? And does this approach foster a positive and collaborative work environment?

A true leader is not just someone who sets goals and expects results. They are also individuals who inspire, motivate, and support their team. A leader who consistently resorts to threats or ultimatums may be able to achieve short-term goals, but they risk alienating their team members and damaging long-term morale.

The Importance of Team Spirit and Empathy

Effective leadership requires a delicate balance between firmness and compassion. While it's important to hold people accountable, it's equally important to treat them with respect and empathy. A leader who understands the challenges faced by their team members and is willing to listen to their concerns is more likely to build a strong and cohesive team.

The incident today serves as a reminder that even the most well-intentioned individuals can make mistakes. It's essential to learn from these experiences and strive to create a more positive and inclusive work environment. By fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and teamwork, we can all contribute to a more harmonious and productive society.

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Breaking Free from Gender Stereotypes: The Evolving Roles of Women in Families

 Breaking Free from Gender Stereotypes: The Evolving Roles of Women in Families

The statement "A woman can be a man in the family" is a powerful reflection of the changing dynamics of modern families. While traditional gender roles have historically defined family structures, the increasing fluidity of these roles is challenging outdated stereotypes and paving the way for a more equitable and diverse family landscape.

Beyond Traditional Gender Roles

Historically, women were often confined to domestic roles, while men were expected to be the primary breadwinners and decision-makers. However, in recent decades, we have witnessed a significant shift in these traditional gender roles. Women are increasingly entering the workforce, pursuing careers, and taking on leadership positions that were once predominantly held by men.

Moreover, men are also embracing traditionally feminine roles, such as being primary caregivers and taking on household responsibilities. This blurring of gender lines has led to a more balanced and equitable distribution of labor within families, challenging the notion that certain roles are exclusive to one gender.

Individuality and Diversity

The roles and responsibilities within a family are not solely determined by gender. Individual personalities, preferences, and circumstances play a crucial role in shaping family dynamics. In some families, the woman may be the primary decision-maker, while in others, the man may be the primary caregiver. These variations highlight the importance of recognizing and embracing the unique contributions of each individual within a family, regardless of their gender.

Challenging Gender Stereotypes

The statement "A woman can be a man in the family" is a powerful challenge to traditional gender stereotypes. By suggesting that women can take on roles typically associated with men, it helps to break down the notion that certain roles are inherently masculine or feminine. This shift in perspective is essential for promoting gender equality and creating a more inclusive and accepting society.

The evolving roles of women within families are a testament to the progress made in challenging gender stereotypes and promoting equality. As we continue to break free from traditional gender roles, we are creating a more diverse and inclusive family landscape. By recognizing the unique contributions of individuals, regardless of their gender, we can foster stronger, more harmonious families and build a more equitable society.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Jack of All Trades, Master of Curiosity


Jack of All Trades, Master of Curiosity

I’ve heard it countless times. The familiar refrain of “You’re all over the place! Can’t you just focus on one thing?” It’s a question that has echoed in my mind for years, a challenge to my ever-wandering curiosity.

I’ve always been drawn to the unknown. A new book, a different perspective, an unexplored corner of the world - it all ignites a spark within me. I find myself constantly questioning, analyzing, and seeking answers. It’s a habit, a compulsion, a way of life.
People often label this as a negative trait, a sign of a scattered mind. They say I’m a “Jack of all trades, master of none”. But is that truly a bad thing?

I believe that my thirst for knowledge is a strength, not a weakness. It allows me to connect different dots, to see the world from multiple angles. While I may not be an expert in any one field, I possess a breadth of understanding that many lack.
Of course, there are drawbacks. It can be challenging to focus on a single task, and I often find myself pulled in different directions. But I’ve learned to embrace this aspect of myself. It’s a part of who I am.

I’m aware that my time on this earth is limited. Every moment is precious. I want to spend it exploring, learning, and growing. And if that means being a “Jack of all trades”, so be it. After all, isn’t life about the journey, not just the destination?
What are your thoughts? Are you a specialist or a generalist? Do you think it's possible to be both? Let's start a conversation!

Sunday 4 August 2024

My Fortunes: Friends for Life


My Fortunes: Friends for Life

They say you choose your family, but I believe I was exceptionally fortunate to have found a family in my friends. They are the kind of people who have become an integral part of my life, a constant source of support, laughter, and love.

I've been blessed with friends who don't just tolerate my quirks but celebrate them. They've been my pillars of strength, my confidants, and my partners in crime. There have been times when life threw curveballs, and I felt lost, but their unwavering belief in me pulled me through. They searched for me when I was out of sight, missed my presence, and even found ways to keep my spirit alive in my absence.

I owe a special thanks to Geeta, whose memory lane is a bridge to countless cherished moments. Promila, your hiccups are a testament to the depth of your friendship. Ruchika, you're the epitome of a true friend. Poonam Saraswat, your understanding means the world to me. And to the RPVV gang Sneh, Ruby and Shweta. You've been my backbone.

To all my friends, both old and new, Happy Friendship Day! You're the pause button in my life, holding everything in place until I return. Your friendship is a priceless treasure, and I am eternally grateful for each one of you. 

And to all the lovely souls who consider me a friend, Happy Friendship Day! A special shoutout to all the unsung heroes in my life who haven’t been mentioned by name – your friendship means the world to me. Happy Friendship Day to you all!

I will surely make some new friends. Quantity might not be a priority, but quality definitely is. I'm excited to meet people who can match the amazing bond I share with my current girls. To those friendships still in the making, Happy Friendship Day!

Here's to many more years of laughter, adventures, and unbreakable bonds.

With love and gratitude.


In the Still of the Night

  In the stillness of night, dreams drifted away, A peaceful embrace in the gentle display. Then a sound, sharp and jarring, tore through th...