Sunday 24 September 2023

Kota: A Chambal Legacy Unveiled - Part 4


Subtitle: Creating a Caring Atmosphere for Kota Students: Prioritizing Life Over Competition

In the previous parts of our series, "Kota: A Chambal Legacy Unveiled," we have delved deep into the history, the culture, and the educational ecosystem of Kota, a city that has earned its reputation as the hub of competitive exam preparation in India. In Part 4, we will tackle a pressing question that often looms over Kota's coaching centres - why do students flock here when they could prepare for exams like NEET and JEE from the comfort of their own homes? What drives this hype and the associated mental pressures on students? Let's explore the reasons behind this.

In the pursuit of academic excellence, many students find themselves in Kota, Rajasthan, a city known as the coaching capital of India. However, it's crucial to consider whether the cutthroat competitive environment in Kota is truly conducive to the success and well-being of every student. Recent trends suggest that an alternative approach is needed – one that focuses on a caring atmosphere reminiscent of home, rather than relentless competition.

The Pressure Cooker of Kota

Kota has long been synonymous with intense coaching institutes that prepare students for highly competitive exams, such as engineering and medical entrance tests. While these institutes have produced many successful professionals, the toll they take on students' mental and emotional well-being is concerning.

The Parental Dilemma

One of the major contributors to this high-pressure atmosphere is the mindset of parents. Many parents believe that their children must become engineers or doctors to secure a successful future. When coaching centers inform parents that their child may not be suitable for these professions, parents often respond by changing institutions, intensifying the pressure on their child.

Depression: Real or "Natak"?

In some cases, students who experience stress and depression due to this competitive environment are labeled as "drama" or "natak" by their parents and peers. This attitude dismisses their genuine struggles and makes it even more challenging for them to seek help.

A Need for Change

To address this situation effectively, it is essential for parents, educators, and society as a whole to reconsider their approach. Here are some steps that can help:

1. Encourage Diverse Career Paths

Parents should recognize that success can be achieved in various fields, not just engineering and medicine. It's essential to encourage students to explore their interests and talents rather than pushing them into a predefined career path.

2. Prioritize Mental Health

Mental health should be given as much importance as academic achievement. Schools and coaching centres must have counselling services readily available, and parents should be open to discussing mental health concerns with their children.

3. Create a Supportive Environment

Educational institutions in Kota can adopt a more caring approach by promoting a balanced lifestyle. Encouraging extracurricular activities, hobbies, and sports can help students de-stress and maintain a healthier work-life balance.

4. Parental Support

Parents should be supportive and empathetic, rather than judgmental. They should actively listen to their child's concerns and seek professional help if needed.

5. Community Involvement

Local communities and educational authorities should come together to raise awareness about the importance of a caring atmosphere and the detrimental effects of excessive competition.


In the quest for academic success, we must remember that life is not just a competition. It's essential to provide Kota students with a caring atmosphere akin to home, where they can grow, learn, and explore their interests without being consumed by the pressures of cutthroat competition. Parents must play a crucial role in rethinking their expectations, prioritizing their child's well-being over societal pressures, and ensuring that their child's mental health remains intact. By doing so, we can help students thrive academically and personally, preparing them for a future where success is defined by their happiness and fulfilment, not just their profession.


Daughters' Day: Balancing Liberty, Responsibility, and Empowerment

An Open Letter to All the Incredible Daughters

 Dear Daughters

Balancing Liberty with Responsibility

As parents, we must grant our daughters the liberty to explore their interests, make choices, and shape their identities. However, this liberty must be coupled with a sense of responsibility. Parents can teach their daughters to make informed decisions, consider the consequences of their actions, and contribute positively to society. This balance empowers daughters to grow into responsible and independent individuals.

Balancing Fashion with Dignity

In today's world, fashion is a form of self-expression and creativity, and daughters have every right to explore it. However, it's equally important to instil the values of dignity and self-respect. Parents can guide their daughters in making fashion choices that reflect their personality without compromising their integrity. This balance ensures that daughters carry themselves with grace and confidence.

Working for Daughters with Fewer Opportunities

While we celebrate the achievements of our daughters, it's crucial to remember that not all girls have the same opportunities. As responsible parents and citizens, we can support organizations and initiatives that aim to uplift underprivileged girls. This could include providing access to education, healthcare, and skill development programs. Empowering all daughters, regardless of their background, is a collective responsibility.

Gender Equality: Uniting as a Female Force

Daughters' Day reminds us that gender should not be a barrier to pursuing dreams and ambitions. As females, we must unite and support each other in breaking down stereotypes and challenging gender-based discrimination. Encouraging our daughters to be compassionate, empathetic, and inclusive allows them to carry forward feminine traits with responsibility and pride.

No Difference based on Caste, Creed, or Race

Daughters' Day emphasizes the importance of equality and inclusivity. It's our responsibility, as parents and daughters, to ensure that opportunities are not restricted by factors like caste, creed, or race. Let's teach our daughters to celebrate diversity and advocate for a world where everyone is treated with respect and fairness 

Daughters' Day is a time to celebrate the love and potential of our daughters. It's also an opportunity to reflect on the responsibilities we hold as parents and daughters. By striking a balance between liberty and responsibility, fashion and dignity, and by working for the empowerment of all daughters, we can create a world where gender equality knows no boundaries. Let's continue to support, uplift, and inspire our daughters to be the change-makers of tomorrow.

So Dear Daughters let us proudly embrace every facet of our identities, knowing that being a daughter, a mother, a sister, a wife, and more is a testament to our strength and the love we bring into this world. Let us continue to inspire, nurture, and lead with grace, and in doing so, let us be proud of the incredible females we are.

Happy Daughters' Day!

Tuesday 5 September 2023

"Sittervising Parenting: Nurturing Confident and Responsible Children"


Introduction: Parenting is a journey filled with different challenges and joys. It often requires adapting to the ever-changing needs of our children. One emerging parenting style that has gained attention is "Sittervising Parenting." Derived from Susan Alison's insights, this approach focuses on observing your child from a comfortable distance and fostering a deep understanding between parents and their children. In this blog, we'll explore how Sittervising Parenting can help children become more confident, responsible, and decisive.As I learned about it, I realised that I’ve naturally embraced many aspects of this approach in my own parenting.

  1. The Art of Observing:

    Sittervising Parenting begins with observation. Instead of hovering over your child or constantly nagging them, you allow them space to explore and learn independently. This approach respects their autonomy and encourages self-discovery.

  2. Building Trust:

    By giving your child the freedom to make choices and decisions, you build trust in your relationship. When they feel trusted, they are more likely to open up and share their thoughts and feelings with you.

  3. Effective Communication:

    After a period of observation, Sittervising Parenting encourages parents to engage in meaningful conversations with their child. This isn't about criticizing or praising their actions immediately but rather understanding their perspective. This approach creates a safe space for open dialogue.

  4. Encouraging Responsibility:

    As your child becomes more confident in their abilities, they also learn responsibility. They begin to understand the consequences of their actions and can make informed choices. Parents can gently guide them in reflecting on the pros and cons of their decisions.

  5. Fostering Independence:

    Sittervising Parenting empowers children to become more independent thinkers. They learn to rely on their judgment and problem-solving skills, which are invaluable life skills.

  6. Boosting Confidence:

    Through this approach, children gain confidence in their abilities. When they know their parents trust them and offer guidance rather than criticism, they are more likely to take risks and learn from their experiences.

  7. Decisiveness and Critical Thinking:

    By allowing children to analyze the consequences of their actions, Sittervising Parenting helps them develop strong decision-making skills and critical thinking abilities. They become more self-assured in their choices.

  8. Strengthening the Parent-Child Bond:

    Ultimately, Sittervising Parenting strengthens the bond between parents and children. It's a partnership based on understanding, trust, and open communication. This can lead to a deeper and more lasting connection.


Sittervising Parenting offers a refreshing perspective on nurturing confident, responsible, and decisive children. It encourages parents to step back and observe, creating an environment where children can thrive independently. While it may not be suitable for every situation, incorporating elements of this approach into your parenting style can lead to a stronger, more empathetic relationship with your child. Remember, parenting is a journey, and it's essential to adapt to the ever-changing needs of your growing child.

"The Changing Face of Teaching: A Reflection on Teachers' Behavior"

 As we celebrate another Teachers' Day, it's an opportune moment to reflect upon the evolving role of educators and the behaviour we exhibit in today's educational landscape. The discussions around the declining status of teachers are not new, but they certainly warrant our attention, especially when it comes to our behaviour and its impact on the younger generation.

In the past, the revered image of teachers was often synonymous with authority, discipline, and decorum. Teachers were looked up to as role models, and their behaviour set the standards for students. However, as times have changed, so has the teaching profession and, consequently, the behaviour of educators.

It's essential to recognize that today's teachers are faced with a vastly different set of challenges and expectations than their predecessors. The modern classroom is a diverse and dynamic space, where teachers not only impart knowledge but also foster critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability. This shift has led to changes in how we interact with our students and the decorum we exhibit in the classroom.

The question of whether present-day teachers follow the decorum of their posts is a complex one. While some might argue that teachers have become more relaxed in their approach, it's important to understand that this adaptability is often a response to the changing needs of students. Inclusivity, open communication, and the integration of technology have reshaped the educational landscape.


there are valid concerns about whether modern teachers might, at times, blur the lines of professionalism in the name of modernity

Activities like dancing in school, for instance, might raise eyebrows when viewed through a traditional lens. Still, when done in a balanced and appropriate manner, they can be powerful tools for engagement and building rapport with students.

As a teacher myself, I've witnessed the evolution of our profession. While some behaviours have shifted, our core values of nurturing and educating the next generation remain steadfast. It's crucial for us, as educators, to strike a balance between being relatable and maintaining the respect and authority that comes with our role.

The concern about whether our behaviour is being followed by students is a valid one. Young minds are incredibly perceptive, and they look up to us as role models. Our actions, both inside and outside the classroom, shape their understanding of ethics, respect, and professionalism.

So, should we blame the decline in the social values of students solely on our own behaviour as teachers? It's a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. While our behaviour plays a role, so do societal changes, family dynamics, and the influence of media. Instead of assigning blame, let's focus on our role as educators in shaping the future.

On this Teachers' Day, let's rededicate ourselves to the noble profession of teaching. Let's continue to adapt to the needs of our students while upholding the values of respect, integrity, and professionalism. By doing so, we can be the change we wish to see in our students, nurturing a generation that not only excels academically but also embodies the best of our shared values

In closing, let us extend our warmest wishes to all the teachers who have dedicated themselves to shaping minds and hearts. Happy Teacher's Day! Your ever-evolving values and unwavering commitment to education continue to light the way for generations to come. Your influence reaches far beyond the classroom, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

                                         Thank you for being the guiding stars in our lives.

Sunday 3 September 2023


Have you ever experienced a moment when you felt an inexplicable connection with someone, as if your thoughts were in sync, transcending the boundaries of time and space? I recently had such an encounter that left me pondering the existence of telepathy or the incredible possibility of thought travel.

It all began with a shocking revelation,  The weight of the discovery kept me tossing and turning all night, restless and tormented by the need to clarify the truth. It was as if my mind was trapped in a never-ending loop of questions and scenarios, desperately seeking closure.

As I lay there, I couldn't help but create elaborate plans in my mind about how I would confront and seek the answers I needed. Little did I know that my thoughts would soon take an astonishing turn.

The clock read 5:36 a.m., and I was half awake, my mind racing. Suddenly, my phone began to ring it was the very person I had been thinking about all night. It was as though my thoughts had reached out to her in the early hours of the morning, compelling her to call me.

It was as if we were both experiencing the same tumultuous thoughts and feelings, bridging the physical and metaphysical realms.

This inexplicable event left me pondering the mysteries of human connection and consciousness. Could it be possible that our thoughts have the power to transcend the physical world and communicate with others on a subconscious level? Is there a hidden realm of interconnectedness that we have yet to fully understand?

Some might dismiss this experience as mere coincidence, but for me, it was a profound reminder of the complexity of human relationships and the uncharted territory of our minds. While science has not definitively proven the existence of telepathy or thought travel, stories like mine continue to challenge our understanding of the boundaries of human connection.

In a world filled with uncertainty and scepticism, moments like these remind us that there is much we have yet to discover about the capabilities of our own minds and the bonds we share with others. Whether it was truly telepathy or simply a remarkable coincidence, one thing is clear: the power of our thoughts and emotions is a force that can transcend the confines of our everyday lives.

As I continue to reflect on this extraordinary experience, I am left with a sense of wonder and gratitude for the mysteries of human connection that still await our exploration. Who knows what other hidden realms of consciousness and connection we may uncover someday? Until then, I'll remain open to the possibility that there is more to our thoughts and feelings than meets the eye, and that the travel of ideas may be a phenomenon we have only just begun to understand.

In the Still of the Night

  In the stillness of night, dreams drifted away, A peaceful embrace in the gentle display. Then a sound, sharp and jarring, tore through th...