Thursday 23 May 2024

The Difference Between Ideal and Idol


The Difference Between Ideal and Idol

In our everyday conversations, the terms "ideal" and "idol" are often used, sometimes interchangeably. However, these words have distinct meanings and connotations that are worth exploring. Understanding the difference between an ideal and an idol can clarify how we view and relate to role models, aspirations, and the values we hold dear.


An "ideal" represents a standard of perfection or excellence. It is an aspirational concept that embodies the highest principles, virtues, or goals we strive to achieve. Ideals can be moral, ethical, professional, or personal benchmarks that guide our behaviour and decisions. They are often abstract and not tied to any specific individual.

Examples of Ideals:

  • Honesty: Striving to be truthful in all interactions.

  • Justice: Working towards a fair and equitable society.

  • Excellence: Aspiring to achieve the highest standards in one’s work or craft.

  • Compassion: Showing empathy and kindness towards others.

Ideals serve as a guiding star, inspiring us to improve ourselves and our world. They are not always fully attainable, but they provide direction and purpose.


An "idol," on the other hand, is a tangible figure who is admired and often revered. This term can refer to a celebrity, a historical figure, or even a fictional character who embodies certain qualities or achievements that people admire. While idols can inspire, they are human and, therefore, fallible. The admiration for an idol can sometimes border on adulation, where their flaws might be overlooked or ignored.

Examples of Idols:

  • Athletes: Sachin Tendulkar, Leander Paes.

  • Musicians: Bismillah Khan or Pandit Ravishankar

  • Activists: Bhagat Singh or Chandershekhar Azad

  • Fictional Characters: Superman or Harry Potter.

Idols provide a more concrete example of what can be achieved. They are often celebrated for their specific talents, accomplishments, and influence. However, placing individuals on a pedestal can lead to unrealistic expectations and potential disillusionment when they inevitably show their human weaknesses.

Key Differences



Abstract vs. Concrete:

An abstract concept representing perfection or excellence.

A concrete individual who is admired or revered.

Infallibility vs. Fallibility:

Represents an unattainable perfection, guiding behavior without expectation of complete realization.

A real person with both strengths and weaknesses, capable of making mistakes.

Guidance vs. Adulation:

Serves as a moral or ethical compass.

Often elicits admiration or e

Timeless and unchanging

The Balance Between Ideals and Idols

Can change over time as public opinions and cultural values shift.

Both ideals and idols play significant roles in shaping our aspirations and values. Ideals push us towards self-improvement and societal betterment, encouraging us to strive for higher principles. Idols, meanwhile, offer tangible examples of success and influence, demonstrating what is possible through determination, talent, and effort.

However, it’s important to balance the influence of both. Relying solely on ideals can sometimes feel overwhelming and unattainable, leading to frustration or disillusionment. Conversely, idolizing individuals too heavily can result in misplaced expectations and disappointment when their human flaws come to light.


Understanding the difference between an ideal and an idol helps us navigate our personal and professional growth more effectively. By aspiring to ideals, we set a high standard for ourselves and society. By admiring idols, we gain inspiration from real-world examples of success and resilience. Balancing both allows us to stay grounded while reaching for the stars, fostering a healthier, more realistic approach to personal development and admiration.

In essence, while idols can inspire us through their achievements and journey, ideals guide us toward the highest virtues and standards. Recognizing and appreciating the roles of both can lead to a more nuanced and balanced path to self-improvement and fulfilment.


Tuesday 21 May 2024

The Intricate Personalities in the Movie "Srikanth'


The Intricate Personalities in the Movie "Srikanth"

"Srikanth" is a compelling narrative that explores the complex web of human emotions, relationships, and personal growth. The characters in the movie provide a rich tapestry of personalities, each contributing uniquely to the protagonist's journey. Let's delve into the distinct personalities that make "Srikanth" a remarkable cinematic experience.

Srikanth: The Protagonist's Evolution

Srikant, the central character, is portrayed as a fundamentally good soul. However, his journey is marred by deep-rooted insecurities and the challenges posed by his blindness. While dealing with Mr Venugopal  Srikanth struggles with gratitude,  using his blindness as a tool to garner sympathy. This behaviour is a manifestation of his insecurities, which many can relate to, as insecurities are a universal human experience.

Srikanth's transformation begins under the guidance of his teacher, Ms. Devika. Through her mentorship, Srikanth learns to overcome his insecurities and recognizes the importance of gratitude. His evolution from a self-pitying individual to a more self-aware and grateful person is a testament to his inner strength and resilience.

Ms. Devika: The Guiding Light

Ms. Devika epitomises the role of a transformative teacher. Her impact on Srikanth's life is profound, illustrating how a dedicated educator can shape a student's future. In Srikanth's struggling days, Ms. Devika stands as a pillar of support, providing not only academic guidance but also emotional and moral support. Her influence extends into Srikanth's achievements, where she continues to guide him towards the right path, emphasising integrity and self-belief.

Ms. Devika's unwavering belief in Srikanth’s potential highlights the crucial role teachers play in shaping the lives of their students, making her a beacon of hope and inspiration in the movie.

Mr. Ravi: The Ideal Partner

Mr. Ravi is portrayed as a true partner, whose support and understanding are pivotal to Srikanth's journey. Ravi's ability to balance encouragement with restraint makes him an exemplary figure in Srikanth’s life. He knows when to pull the leash, ensuring that Srikanth remains grounded and focused.

Ravi's clarity about his own demands and his unwavering support underscore the importance of having a reliable and supportive partner. His presence in Srikanth’s life symbolises the strength that comes from a balanced and understanding partnership.

Srikanth’s Parents: A Mixed Influence

While Srikanth’s parents are credited with giving him life, it is the people around him who shape his destiny. Despite this, Srikanth’s respect for his parents remains unwavering. He honours them in both good times and bad, reflecting a deep-seated sense of filial piety.

This respect, despite the limited role his parents play in his personal growth, highlights the traditional values of respect and gratitude towards one's parents, which Srikanth embodies throughout the movie.

Ms. Reddy: The Opportunistic Politician

Ms. Reddy is a politician whose character brings a different dynamic to the narrative. Though opportunistic, she is driven by a genuine spirit and sees potential in Srikanth because of his limitations. Her selection of Srikanth as a politician is a strategic move, yet it underscores a significant truth about societal views on disability and capability.

In his final speech, Srikanth asserts that individuals like him only need opportunities to prove their worth. This statement resonates deeply, advocating for equal opportunities for all, regardless of physical impairments. Ms. Reddy's character, while opportunistic, plays a crucial role in highlighting the broader societal issues and the importance of inclusivity.


The movie "Srikanth” is a rich exploration of various personalities, each contributing to the protagonist's development in meaningful ways. From the nurturing guidance of Ms. Devika to the steadfast support of Mr. Ravi, and the opportunistic yet impactful role of Ms. Reddy, every character plays a pivotal role in Srikanth’s journey.

The narrative reinforces the idea that personal growth and success are often the result of a collective effort, shaped by the influences and support of those around us. Srikanth’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of gratitude, resilience, and the transformative power of opportunities.


Geeta Bhanwala

Sunday 19 May 2024

Embrace the Present, Learn from the Past, and Focus on Gratitude


Embrace the Present, Learn from the Past, and Focus on Gratitude

In the journey of life, the past, present, and future are intricately linked. Each phase holds unique lessons and opportunities that shape our experiences and outlook. To live a fulfilling life, it’s essential to embrace the present, learn from the past, and cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Learning from the Past

The past is our greatest teacher. It is a repository of lessons learned, experiences endured, and wisdom gained. Every mistake, success, joy, and sorrow has contributed to the person you are today. Reflecting on the past allows you to identify patterns and understand the reasons behind your current behaviours and decisions.

However, not every moment from the past holds the same value. The key is to discern what is important and what is not. Consider a failure that once seemed catastrophic. Over time, this failure likely provided insights and strength that you now appreciate. Conversely, clinging to past grievances or mistakes without learning from them can hinder your growth. By selectively focusing on instances that offer constructive lessons, you can shape a better future.

Embracing the Present

The present is the only time we truly have. It’s the moment in which life happens. While the past informs who we are, and the future holds our aspirations, it is in the present where we act and make decisions. Embracing the present means being mindful and fully engaged with what is happening right now.

Living in the present requires letting go of past regrets and future anxieties. It involves acknowledging your past experiences but not allowing them to dominate your current actions. This balance enables you to act with wisdom and clarity, making decisions that are informed by your past but not controlled by it.

Focusing on Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful practice that shifts your perspective from what you lack to what you have. It’s a reminder of the positives in your life, no matter how small. When you focus on gratitude, you foster a mindset of abundance and positivity, which enhances your overall well-being.

Practising gratitude doesn’t mean ignoring life’s challenges. Instead, it’s about finding silver linings and recognizing the value in every experience. When you’re grateful for the lessons learned from the past, you transform potentially negative experiences into opportunities for growth. Gratitude also keeps you grounded in the present, making you more aware of the joys and opportunities around you.

Integrating Past Lessons, Present Mindfulness, and Future Focus

To create a fulfilling life, integrate lessons from the past with present mindfulness and a focus on gratitude. Here are some practical steps:

  1. Reflect Regularly: Spend time reflecting on your past experiences. Identify key lessons and consider how they can inform your present decisions.
  2. Stay Present: Engage fully in the present moment. Practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or simply paying attention to your surroundings.
  3. Practice Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal. Each day, write down three things you are grateful for. Over time, this practice can rewire your brain to focus on the positives.
  4. Set Intentions: Use the insights from your past and the clarity from your present to set meaningful goals for your future. Make these goals specific, measurable, and aligned with your values.
  5. Let Go of Regret: Understand that everyone makes mistakes. Learn from them and move on. Holding onto regret only detracts from your ability to live fully in the present.

By embracing the present, learning from the past, and focusing on gratitude, you create a harmonious balance that leads to a more enriched and purposeful life. Each day becomes an opportunity to apply past wisdom, experience the now, and look forward to a future shaped by gratitude and intentionality. This approach not only enhances your personal growth but also enriches your interactions and contributions to the world around you.

Monday 13 May 2024

Part 4: Mother's Bond with the Weakest Child

Mother's Bond with the Weakest Child

 In "My Sister's Keeper" and in real life, the bond between a mother and her weakest child is a testament to the depth of love and resilience that define maternal instincts. This segment explores the profound connection between mothers and children facing chronic illness or disabilities, highlighting the unique challenges and triumphs they encounter along the way.

Mothers of chronically ill or disabled children often find themselves thrust into the role of caregiver, advocate, and source of unwavering support. They navigate medical crises with strength and determination, tirelessly advocating for their child's needs and ensuring they receive the best possible care.

Despite the overwhelming challenges they face, these mothers exhibit a remarkable resilience and unwavering devotion to their child. They become experts in navigating complex medical systems, forging connections with healthcare professionals, and building a network of support within their communities.

The bond between mother and child transcends the limitations imposed by illness or disability, fostering a connection that is both delicate and powerful. Through empathy and understanding, we shed light on the profound love and sacrifice that define this special relationship.

In exploring the bond between mothers and their weakest child, we celebrate the resilience, strength, and unwavering love that characterize maternal instincts. Join me as we continue to honor the extraordinary courage and dedication of mothers everywhere in the upcoming installments of this series.


Part 5: Mother as an Individual Facing Challenges


Mother as an Individual Facing Challenges

In the final installment of our series, we turn our attention to the mother as an individual, examining her identity, struggles, and resilience amidst the complexities of family life. Drawing inspiration from Sara's character in "My Sister's Keeper," we delve into the profound journey of motherhood, where personal sacrifices and moral dilemmas shape the course of one's life.

Sara's portrayal in the novel exemplifies the profound impact of motherhood on individual identity. Immersed in the role of caregiver and advocate for her chronically ill daughter, Sara's life revolves around the needs of her family, often at the expense of her own desires and aspirations.

Her wardrobe of practical attire symbolizes the sacrifices she makes as a mother, prioritizing the well-being of her children above all else. The relentless demands of caregiving leave little room for self-care or personal fulfillment, blurring the lines between Sara's identity as a woman and her role as a mother.

As an individual, Sara grapples with the weight of moral dilemmas and the complexities of parental love. Her journey is marked by moments of strength and vulnerability, as she navigates the challenges of medical crises, legal battles, and the relentless pursuit of what she believes is best for her family.

Through introspective narratives and real-life anecdotes, we celebrate the resilience and courage of mothers everywhere, who navigate the complexities of parenthood with grace and determination. Despite the sacrifices they make and the challenges they face, mothers continue to embody strength, love, and unwavering devotion to their families.

In honoring the journey of mothers like Sara, we acknowledge the profound impact of motherhood on individual identity and the enduring strength that defines the human spirit. Join me as we celebrate the remarkable journey of motherhood and the extraordinary women who embrace its joys and challenges with unwavering grace.


Part 3: Mother's Bond with the First-Born


Indeed, the bond between a mother and her first-born child is often imbued with special significance and intensity. Drawing from the character of Sara and her eldest daughter in "My Sister's Keeper," we delve into the complexities of this relationship and the profound impact it has on both the mother and the child.

As the first-born, there is often a weight of expectations placed upon the child, as they are seen as a representation of their parents' hopes, dreams, and values. Parents may project their own aspirations onto their first-born, seeking validation and fulfillment through their achievements and successes.

Conversely, the first-born may also feel the burden of responsibility and pressure to live up to these expectations, striving to meet the high standards set by their parents. This dynamic can shape their identity, self-esteem, and sense of worth, influencing their choices and actions throughout their lives.

For the mother, the bond with her first-born is often characterized by a mixture of pride, protectiveness, and a deep-seated desire for their child's happiness and success. The joys of witnessing milestones and accomplishments are intertwined with the challenges of balancing parental guidance with fostering independence.

However, the expectations placed on the first-born can also lead to feelings of overwhelm, inadequacy, and even resentment. The child may grapple with the pressure to fulfill their parents' aspirations while also forging their own path and identity.

Ultimately, the mother's bond with her first-born is a complex tapestry of love, sacrifice, and mutual growth. Through introspection and storytelling, we navigate the intricate dynamics of this relationship, shedding light on the challenges and rewards of being the first-born in a family. Join me as we continue to explore the multifaceted nature of parental love and familial dynamics in the upcoming installments of this series.


Part 2: The Mother-Daughter Bond


 In "My Sister's Keeper," the mother-daughter bond between Sara and her daughters serves as a focal point for exploring the complexities of parental love and the impact of challenging circumstances on familial relationships.

Sara's struggle to balance her love for both daughters amid Kate's illness highlights the profound psychological and emotional toll of caregiving. While Sara undoubtedly loves both Anna and Kate, the demands of Kate's medical condition often overshadow her ability to express this love equally. This imbalance can lead to feelings of neglect or resentment, as seen through the eyes of Anna and potentially Kate as well.

The situation underscores the challenges parents face in trying to meet the needs of all their children, especially in the face of extraordinary circumstances. While Sara's actions may appear discriminatory to her daughters, they are often driven by the desperate desire to save Kate's life, resulting in unintended consequences for her other children.

Moreover, children may struggle to comprehend the complexities of their parents' decisions, leading to feelings of confusion and hurt. The inability to fully grasp the reasons behind parental actions can exacerbate feelings of rejection or abandonment.

Through the lens of "My Sister's Keeper," we are reminded of the intricacies inherent in the mother-daughter bond and the importance of communication, empathy, and understanding in navigating these complex relationships. Join me as we continue to unravel the layers of love, expectations, and identity intertwined in the mother-daughter dynamic in the upcoming installments of this series.


Part 1: The Sister-Sister Bond



The bond between Anna and Kate in "My Sister's Keeper" exemplifies the intricate nature of the sister-sister relationship. Despite the unconventional circumstances surrounding Kate's need for Anna's genetic material, their connection is characterized by a blend of love, sacrifice, and complex emotions.

Anna's decision to undergo medical procedures for Kate reflects a deep sense of loyalty and unconditional support, even amidst her own reservations. Her internal conflict highlights the tension between personal autonomy and familial duty, adding layers of depth to their relationship.

Jealousy also emerges as a natural consequence of their situation, as Anna grapples with feelings of being overshadowed by Kate's illness. This dynamic illustrates the complexities inherent in sibling relationships, where love and rivalry often intertwine.

Despite the challenges they face, the bond between Anna and Kate remains resilient, underscoring the enduring nature of sisterly love. Through their story, we are reminded that the sister-sister bond is multifaceted, evolving, and ultimately, irreplaceable. Join me as we continue to explore the dynamics of relationships in the upcoming installments of this series.


Sunday 12 May 2024

Exploring Relationships: Inspired by "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult


Dear Readers

I want to bring this series on Mother's Day I must apologize for a slight delay in the release of the series. As a mother myself, I understand the juggling act of balancing personal responsibilities alongside the demands of parenthood. Unfortunately, this has caused a brief delay in bringing you the content I am eager to share.

I am committed to delivering a series that resonates with the depth and authenticity of the motherhood experience. Your understanding and patience are deeply appreciated.


In Jodi Picoult's poignant novel "My Sister's Keeper," the complexities of relationships are explored through the lens of a family grappling with illness and moral dilemmas. Inspired by this narrative, I embark on a series to delve deeper into various facets of relationships, drawing insights from the sister-sister bond, mother-daughter bond, and the intricate dynamics between mothers and their children.

Part 1: The Sister-Sister Bond

In the first installment of this series, we unravel the intricacies of the sister-sister bond depicted in "My Sister's Keeper." Through the characters of Anna and Kate, we witness the depth of love, sacrifice, and sibling dynamics. Exploring themes of loyalty, jealousy, and unconditional support, we delve into the complexities that shape this unique relationship.

Part 2: The Mother-Daughter Bond

In this segment, we explore the profound bond between mothers and daughters, as exemplified by Sara and her daughters in "My Sister's Keeper." From nurturing to conflict, from shared dreams to diverging paths, we dissect the complexities of this relationship. Through the lens of personal anecdotes and psychological insights, we unravel the layers of love, expectations, and identity intertwined in the mother-daughter dynamic.

Part 3: Mother's Bond with the First-Born

Drawing inspiration from the character of Sara and her eldest daughter, we delve into the nuances of the mother's bond with her first-born child. From the weight of expectations to the joys of witnessing milestones, we explore how this relationship shapes both the mother and the child. Through introspection and storytelling, we navigate the challenges and rewards of being the first-born in a family.

Part 4: Mother's Bond with the Weakest Child

In this segment, we examine the delicate yet powerful bond between mothers and their weakest child, echoing themes from "My Sister's Keeper." From navigating medical crises to advocating for their child's needs, mothers of chronically ill or disabled children face unique challenges and triumphs. Through empathy and understanding, we shed light on the resilience and love that define this special relationship.

Part 5: Mother as an Individual Facing Challenges

In the final installment, we shift our focus to the mother as an individual, exploring her identity, struggles, and resilience amidst the complexities of family life. Drawing parallels from "My Sister's Keeper," we delve into Sara's journey as a mother and a woman, grappling with moral dilemmas, self-discovery, and personal sacrifices. Through introspective narratives and real-life anecdotes, we celebrate the strength and vulnerability of mothers everywhere.


Inspired by the rich tapestry of relationships depicted in "My Sister's Keeper," this series embarks on a journey to unravel the intricacies of human connection. From sisterhood to motherhood, from love to loss, we explore the depths of the heart and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of life's greatest challenges. Join me as we navigate the labyrinth of relationships and emerge with a deeper understanding of ourselves and each other.





In the frame, a face so young, so bright,

A mother's smile, a guiding light.
But as time flows, the years pass by,
And yet, in memory, she does not age or die.

I search for traces, echoes of her,

In the mirror's gaze, in whispers of the past's murmur.
Grey hairs crown my head, lines etched on my face,
Yet her image remains frozen in time's embrace.

How do I reconcile this youthful grace,

With the reality of time's relentless pace?
For a mother should age alongside her child,
Yet in my mind, she remains forever mild.

On this Mother's Day, I ponder and reflect,

On the bond we share, despite time's unchecked.
Though memories may fade, and years may fly,
A mother's love transcends, reaching to the sky.

By Geeta Bhanwala

In the Still of the Night

  In the stillness of night, dreams drifted away, A peaceful embrace in the gentle display. Then a sound, sharp and jarring, tore through th...