Friday 17 March 2023

 Hey All

Let's start with a story.

A boy who was intelligent ,wise and ahead of his age, learned Puranas, Vedas and all Upnishadas in very early years of his life. He was having a wisdom tooth. it  was a conventional wisdom  at that time, that having a wisdom tooth is a sign of becoming a king. Once an astrologer made a prediction that he will grow up to become a king and will forget her mother after becoming king. This was enough to scare her mother. At that time The boy broke his wisdom tooth that was cause of mistrust for her mother and promised his mother not to worry.

Do you want to know the name of the boy?

He was Chanakaya. The great  teacher, Phoilosopher, and economist, who wrote 'Arthashastra'. He played an important role in establishment of the Maurya dynasty.

Now the question is 

Does the conventional wisdoms can shape our future?

can any prediction change our life goal?

In next blog we will try to understand how these affect us.

Till then Love Yourself, and Do share your views. 

In wait for your views

 Good Bye Stay Safe and Learn More.

 Hey ALL,

This is my first blog and I am learning to use it As I have named it TRUTHBEHIND I will write about    my perspective of the facts and news it may differ from yours but I will certainly like to read your point of view So let us start this learning journey together 

In the Still of the Night

  In the stillness of night, dreams drifted away, A peaceful embrace in the gentle display. Then a sound, sharp and jarring, tore through th...