Tuesday 5 September 2023

"The Changing Face of Teaching: A Reflection on Teachers' Behavior"

 As we celebrate another Teachers' Day, it's an opportune moment to reflect upon the evolving role of educators and the behaviour we exhibit in today's educational landscape. The discussions around the declining status of teachers are not new, but they certainly warrant our attention, especially when it comes to our behaviour and its impact on the younger generation.

In the past, the revered image of teachers was often synonymous with authority, discipline, and decorum. Teachers were looked up to as role models, and their behaviour set the standards for students. However, as times have changed, so has the teaching profession and, consequently, the behaviour of educators.

It's essential to recognize that today's teachers are faced with a vastly different set of challenges and expectations than their predecessors. The modern classroom is a diverse and dynamic space, where teachers not only impart knowledge but also foster critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability. This shift has led to changes in how we interact with our students and the decorum we exhibit in the classroom.

The question of whether present-day teachers follow the decorum of their posts is a complex one. While some might argue that teachers have become more relaxed in their approach, it's important to understand that this adaptability is often a response to the changing needs of students. Inclusivity, open communication, and the integration of technology have reshaped the educational landscape.


there are valid concerns about whether modern teachers might, at times, blur the lines of professionalism in the name of modernity

Activities like dancing in school, for instance, might raise eyebrows when viewed through a traditional lens. Still, when done in a balanced and appropriate manner, they can be powerful tools for engagement and building rapport with students.

As a teacher myself, I've witnessed the evolution of our profession. While some behaviours have shifted, our core values of nurturing and educating the next generation remain steadfast. It's crucial for us, as educators, to strike a balance between being relatable and maintaining the respect and authority that comes with our role.

The concern about whether our behaviour is being followed by students is a valid one. Young minds are incredibly perceptive, and they look up to us as role models. Our actions, both inside and outside the classroom, shape their understanding of ethics, respect, and professionalism.

So, should we blame the decline in the social values of students solely on our own behaviour as teachers? It's a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. While our behaviour plays a role, so do societal changes, family dynamics, and the influence of media. Instead of assigning blame, let's focus on our role as educators in shaping the future.

On this Teachers' Day, let's rededicate ourselves to the noble profession of teaching. Let's continue to adapt to the needs of our students while upholding the values of respect, integrity, and professionalism. By doing so, we can be the change we wish to see in our students, nurturing a generation that not only excels academically but also embodies the best of our shared values

In closing, let us extend our warmest wishes to all the teachers who have dedicated themselves to shaping minds and hearts. Happy Teacher's Day! Your ever-evolving values and unwavering commitment to education continue to light the way for generations to come. Your influence reaches far beyond the classroom, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

                                         Thank you for being the guiding stars in our lives.

Sunday 3 September 2023


Have you ever experienced a moment when you felt an inexplicable connection with someone, as if your thoughts were in sync, transcending the boundaries of time and space? I recently had such an encounter that left me pondering the existence of telepathy or the incredible possibility of thought travel.

It all began with a shocking revelation,  The weight of the discovery kept me tossing and turning all night, restless and tormented by the need to clarify the truth. It was as if my mind was trapped in a never-ending loop of questions and scenarios, desperately seeking closure.

As I lay there, I couldn't help but create elaborate plans in my mind about how I would confront and seek the answers I needed. Little did I know that my thoughts would soon take an astonishing turn.

The clock read 5:36 a.m., and I was half awake, my mind racing. Suddenly, my phone began to ring it was the very person I had been thinking about all night. It was as though my thoughts had reached out to her in the early hours of the morning, compelling her to call me.

It was as if we were both experiencing the same tumultuous thoughts and feelings, bridging the physical and metaphysical realms.

This inexplicable event left me pondering the mysteries of human connection and consciousness. Could it be possible that our thoughts have the power to transcend the physical world and communicate with others on a subconscious level? Is there a hidden realm of interconnectedness that we have yet to fully understand?

Some might dismiss this experience as mere coincidence, but for me, it was a profound reminder of the complexity of human relationships and the uncharted territory of our minds. While science has not definitively proven the existence of telepathy or thought travel, stories like mine continue to challenge our understanding of the boundaries of human connection.

In a world filled with uncertainty and scepticism, moments like these remind us that there is much we have yet to discover about the capabilities of our own minds and the bonds we share with others. Whether it was truly telepathy or simply a remarkable coincidence, one thing is clear: the power of our thoughts and emotions is a force that can transcend the confines of our everyday lives.

As I continue to reflect on this extraordinary experience, I am left with a sense of wonder and gratitude for the mysteries of human connection that still await our exploration. Who knows what other hidden realms of consciousness and connection we may uncover someday? Until then, I'll remain open to the possibility that there is more to our thoughts and feelings than meets the eye, and that the travel of ideas may be a phenomenon we have only just begun to understand.

Saturday 2 September 2023


   "Exploring Different Parenting Approaches: Discipline, Education, Nutrition, and Emotional Development"

Parenting involves various aspects, including discipline, education, nutrition, and emotional development. Here are definitions and examples of     different types of parenting, considering these aspects individually and in combination:

Discipline-Oriented Parenting

Discipline-focused parenting emphasizes setting clear boundaries and rules for children's behaviour. Parents who adopt this approach prioritize teaching their children right from wrong and expect them to follow established rules.


Time-Outs - When a child misbehaves, a parent may give them a time-out in a designated quiet space as a consequence of their actions. The child learns that certain behaviours have consequences, encouraging them to self-regulate their actions.

Education-Oriented Parenting

Education-centered parenting places a strong emphasis on a child's cognitive and intellectual development. Parents who follow this approach are highly involved in their child's education and often engage in educational activities and discussions.


           Reading Together - Parents who prioritize education may read to their child regularly, ask questions about the story, and encourage critical thinking. This promotes language development and a love for learning.

Nutrition-Oriented Parenting

Nutrition-focused parenting involves making conscious choices about a child's diet to ensure they receive the proper nutrients for growth and health. Parents may closely monitor what their child eats and emphasize balanced meals.


 Balanced Meals - A parent might plan meals that include a variety of food groups, ensuring the child gets essential nutrients like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

Emotional Development-Oriented Parenting

Emotional development-centered parenting focuses on nurturing a child's emotional well-being, teaching them to recognize and manage their emotions, and building strong emotional bonds with parents and caregivers.


Emotion Coaching - Parents practice active listening when their child expresses emotions, help them identify their feelings, and offer guidance on how to cope with those emotions. This approach helps children develop emotional intelligence.

Combination Parenting

Many parents incorporate a combination of these approaches to provide well-rounded parenting. They recognize that children's needs are multifaceted and that a balanced approach is often the most effective.


Balanced Discipline and Education - A parent may set rules and boundaries while also engaging in educational activities. For instance, they might explain the importance of following rules and how it contribute to their child's learning and personal development.

In reality, most parents use a mix of these parenting styles depending on the situation, their child's temperament, and their own beliefs and values. Effective parenting often involves flexibility and adaptability, as well as the ability to tailor your approach to your child's unique needs and circumstances.

Friday 1 September 2023

'Kota: A Chambal Legacy'' Unveiled PART-3

Kota: The City That Never Sleeps 

Unmasking the Dark Side of Education


In the heart of India, nestled within the state of Rajasthan, lies a city unlike any other - Kota. Known far and wide as the educational hub for aspiring engineers and medical professionals, Kota has earned a reputation that draws students from across the nation. However, beneath its academic prestige and fervour, Kota harbours a sinister secret that has been ignored for far too long.

The Pursuit of Dreams

Kota has become synonymous with dreams of cracking the prestigious IIT-JEE and NEET exams, which pave the way to India's premier engineering and medical institutions. Thousands flock to this city every year, driven by ambition and a thirst for success. But amidst the pursuit of dreams, a more harrowing reality lurks - a reality where day and night blend into a relentless cycle of study, competition, and pressure.

The Pressure Cooker

Imagine studying for an astonishing 20 hours a day, with no guarantee of success. This is the life that many Kota students lead. The pressure to outshine peers, meet parental expectations, and satisfy institutional demands is overwhelming. It's a pressure cooker environment that's pushing young minds to their breaking point.

Loneliness in a Crowd

 Loneliness often accompanies this pressure-cooker atmosphere. Students are far from home, separated from their families and true friends. They navigate a sea of unfamiliar faces, all battling their own internal struggles. Isolation becomes a silent companion, exacerbating the stress they already face.

The Blame Game


As the pressure intensifies, students often blame themselves for any perceived shortcomings. The fear of failure looms large, and the relentless pursuit of excellence leaves no room for self-compassion or acceptance of one's limitations.

The Dark Abyss

Tragically, this relentless environment can lead students into the abyss of depression. The stigma surrounding mental health in India often discourages seeking help. As a result, many students suffer in silence, grappling with their mental anguish until it becomes unbearable.

The Cry for Help

 Recently, disturbing images have emerged from Kota – metal rods on windows. It's a chilling reminder that beneath the façade of academic excellence, young lives are being pushed to the brink. These images are a cry for help, a desperate plea to acknowledge the grim reality behind closed doors.

"As we delve into the heart of Kota and unmask the grim realities that many students face in their relentless pursuit of academic success, we cannot help but question the very definition of 'success' in our society. For too long, success has been synonymous with achieving top exam scores, securing coveted seats in prestigious institutions, and climbing the ladder of conventional achievement. But as we peer behind the scenes of this high-pressure environment, 

we must ask ourselves: Is this the only path to success, or can we forge a new one?

In the series 'Kota: A Chambal Legacy'' Unveiled we will try to find out the reasons of existence of Kota's in


Thursday 31 August 2023

'Kota: A Chambal Legacy'' Unveiled PART-2



Kota, located in the state of Rajasthan, India, has undergone a significant transformation to become an industrial hub. Historically known for its cultural and educational significance, Kota's transformation into an industrial center has been driven by various factors:

  1. Geographical Advantage
  2. Availability of Resources
  3. Infrastructure Development
  4. Government Policies and Incentives
  5. Education and Skilled Workforce
  6. Diversification of Industries
  7. Investment in Industrial Infrastructure
  8. Research and Development
  9. Market Access
  10. Entrepreneurial Culture

As a result of these factors, Kota has transitioned from being primarily known for its educational institutions to being recognized as an industrial hub. This transformation has brought economic growth, increased employment opportunities, and contributed to the region's overall development.

The city serves as a pivotal trading center for a region abundant in cotton, millet, wheat, coriander, and oilseed cultivation. Its industrial landscape encompasses cotton and oilseed milling, textile weaving, distillation, dairy production, and the creation of intricate metal handicrafts. A notable industrial pursuit involves the meticulous polishing of Kota Stone, a distinctive stone variety employed in constructing floors and walls for residential and commercial edifices.

Over the past 15 years, Kota has emerged as an educational nucleus on a national scale. It has gai prominence for consistently yielding exceptional outcomes in prominent entrance exams such as IIT-JEE and medical assessments, solidifying its reputation as an educational powerhouse.

Kota is known for its rigorous coaching institutes, which attract students from all over India who are vying for a spot in one of the country's top engineering or medical schools. The city has a reputation for being a pressure cooker, with students often spending long hours studying and competing with each other.

In our next blog post, we will explore the changing face of Kota and will try to explore the reason behind the existence of the NEW EDUCATIONAL HUB KOTA

In the Still of the Night

  In the stillness of night, dreams drifted away, A peaceful embrace in the gentle display. Then a sound, sharp and jarring, tore through th...