Monday 17 June 2024

Kota: A Chambal Legacy Unveiled - Part 5


Kota: A Chambal Legacy Unveiled - Part 5

Reimagining Success: Beyond the Shadows of Kota

Kota's bustling streets and towering coaching institutes have etched the city's name as the quintessential destination for academic aspirants. However, as we have seen, this pursuit of excellence often casts long shadows over the well-being of its students. The previous blogs in our series have peeled back the layers of Kota's educational pressures, the isolation students face, and the devastating impact on their mental health. Now, it’s time to delve deeper into why such environments exist and whether we can envision a different path to success.

Why We Need Kotas

At its core, Kota represents a societal obsession with prestigious institutions and high-stakes exams. For many families, cracking the IIT-JEE or NEET is more than just an academic goal; it’s a ticket to a promising future, social mobility, and financial stability. But why has Kota, in particular, become the epicenter of this phenomenon?

  1. Specialized Coaching Infrastructure: Over the decades, Kota has developed a robust infrastructure tailored to the demands of competitive exam preparation. From well-established coaching institutes with seasoned faculty to the proliferation of affordable accommodation and study resources, the city has created an ecosystem that’s hard to match elsewhere.

  2. Economic Imperative: For many local businesses and residents, the influx of students translates to economic prosperity. The city’s economy thrives on its reputation as a coaching hub, creating a cycle where the need for academic coaching sustains and is sustained by the local economy.

  3. Cultural Expectations: In a country where academic achievements often define a person's identity and future, the cultural weight of success is immense. Kota serves as a crucible where societal expectations and personal ambitions converge, amplifying the pressure on students.

  4. Access to Expertise: Kota’s coaching institutes are reputed for their experienced teachers and rigorous training programs. This concentration of expertise attracts students who seek to gain an edge in their exam preparations.

  5. Peer Influence: Word of mouth and success stories from previous batches of students play a significant role. The success of past Kota students in securing top ranks perpetuates the city's allure as the ultimate destination for serious aspirants.

A Path Forward: Rethinking Success

As we explore why Kota's exist, it becomes clear that the solution is not to dismantle these structures but to reimagine what they represent and how they function. The current model is unsustainable and detrimental to the mental and emotional health of students. Here's how we can forge a new path:

  1. Holistic Education: Success should encompass more than just academic excellence. Incorporating holistic education that values creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence can help redefine success. Students should be encouraged to pursue diverse interests and develop a broad skill set.

  2. Mental Health Support: Institutes and families must prioritize mental health. Providing accessible counseling services and fostering an environment where seeking help is normalized can alleviate the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

  3. Reducing Pressure: There needs to be a collective shift in how we perceive failure and success. Encouraging a growth mindset, where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities rather than shortcomings, can reduce the immense pressure students face.

  4. Alternative Pathways: Promoting and validating alternative career paths and educational routes can help students find their unique strengths and passions. Vocational training, arts, sports, and entrepreneurship should be celebrated alongside traditional academic achievements.

  5. Community and Support: Creating a supportive community within coaching hubs like Kota can mitigate feelings of isolation. Peer support groups, mentorship programs, and recreational activities can foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie among students.

  6. Educational Reform: On a broader scale, there is a need for educational reform that balances competition with collaboration, emphasizes learning over rote memorization, and adapts to the diverse needs and aspirations of students.

The Future of Kota

Kota, like many other educational hubs, stands at a crossroads. The city can continue to be a beacon for academic excellence, but it must evolve to prioritize the well-being of its students. This transformation requires the combined efforts of educational institutions, families, policymakers, and society at large.

As we continue to unveil the layers of Kota’s complex reality, let us advocate for a future where success is measured not just by scores and rankings but by the holistic development and happiness of our young minds. The journey to reimagining success is long and challenging, but it is one we must undertake to ensure that no more dreams are lost in the relentless pursuit of excellence.

In the next installment of our series, we will explore the voices of those who have navigated Kota’s demanding landscape—students, parents, and educators—and their perspectives on what needs to change for a brighter, more balanced future.

Stay Tuned

For more insights into the multifaceted world of Kota, continue following our series. Together, we can shine a light on the changes needed to support the aspirations and well-being of the countless students who journey to this city with dreams in their hearts.

Feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions in the comments below. Let’s open a dialogue about reimagining success and creating a healthier, more supportive environment for our students.

Sunday 16 June 2024



In dawn's quiet, a father stands tall,
His heart a fortress, with love's gentle call.
Tough in bearing, tender at core,
He shapes his sons to brave and explore.

With iron hands, he moulds their will,
Teaching strength with unspoken skill.
In his stern gaze, a world of care,
To make them strong, yet love's still there.

Granting adventure with caution’s reins,
Balancing freedom with wisdom’s gains.
A guardian's duty to forge them strong,
In his heart, they forever belong.

He dreams of a world where they can thrive,
Self-sufficient, alive.
His love a shield, his lessons a guide,
Ensuring they face life with unshaken stride.

Sons watch, mimic, and learn,
In their hearts, his footsteps yearn.
To show their love, to break the mold,
His stern love keeps their hearts bold.

A father's belief, steadfast and slight,
In his sons' futures, he finds his light.
They strive to prove, to earn his trust,
In their bond, unwavering and just.

Love’s whispers, through silence speak,
In every lesson, both strong and meek.
A father's love, tough yet kind,
In his sons' hearts, forever enshrined.

By Geeta Bhanwala

Friday 7 June 2024

Sorry, You Are Not Incharge Here


Sorry, You Are Not Incharge Here

In the grand amalgams of existence, we often find ourselves caught up in the illusion of control. We work tirelessly, strive for success, and expect our actions to yield specific results. Yet, life has a way of reminding us that while we have control over our actions, the outcomes are not always ours to dictate. It's time to step back, reflect, and recognize: Sorry, you are not in charge here.

The Illusion of Control

From a young age, we're taught that hard work and determination are the keys to success. This is true to an extent; our efforts and actions shape our journey. However, the results of our actions are influenced by countless factors beyond our control. Recognizing this truth can be both humbling and liberating. It reminds us that our role is to perform our duties with diligence and integrity, without becoming overly attached to the outcomes.

Embrace Your Karma

In the philosophical and spiritual traditions, karma emphasizes that our focus should be on our actions, not on the fruits they bear. This perspective is essential for maintaining peace of mind. When we understand that we are responsible for our deeds and not their results, we can perform our duties with greater sincerity and less anxiety.

A Limited Time on Earth

Our time on this planet is finite, and this time is not determined by us. We are visitors here, passing through for a brief moment in the vast expanse of time. This realisation should inspire us to make the most of our existence. Instead of getting entangled in the past or worrying incessantly about the future, we should strive to live meaningfully in the present.

Leave a Lasting Legacy

The impact of our actions extends beyond our lifespan. By behaving responsibly and showing concern for future generations, we can leave a lasting legacy. Our deeds will be remembered if they contribute positively to the world. Conversely, if we remain stuck in the past, we risk fading into oblivion, forgotten and irrelevant.

Stewardship of Resources

We are the custodians of the resources we use. Whether it's natural resources, personal talents, or societal privileges, it is our duty to utilize them wisely and not to abuse them. Remember, everything we have is temporary, and we will leave this world as we came—empty-handed. Therefore, pride and arrogance have no place in our lives.

Humility and Gratitude

Understanding that we are not in charge fosters humility and gratitude. We begin to appreciate the interconnectedness of life and the many factors that contribute to our experiences. This mindset helps us navigate life's uncertainties with grace and wisdom.


In the end, acknowledging that we are not in charge allows us to live more authentically and purposefully. It frees us from the burdens of unrealistic expectations and helps us focus on what truly matters—our actions and their impact on the world. So, let's embrace our roles as temporary custodians of this world, perform our duties with care and compassion, and leave behind a legacy that speaks of wisdom and integrity.

 Remember, you are not Incharge here, and that's perfectly okay.

By Geeta Bhanwala

Saturday 25 May 2024



In the depths of my soul, a battle rages on, 
Prejudices clouding, the light of dawn.
 I judge and I falter, trapped in my past, 
A prisoner of biases, that hold me fast. 
 In the collages of life, I weave my regrets, 
Each thread a misconception, each knot generates, 
A pattern of bitterness, staining my heart,
 Tearing me apart, tearing me apart. 
 But within me lies a flicker of hope, 
A promise to break free, to boldly cope. 
For I vow to rise above, to transcend the hate, 
To embrace understanding, before it's too late. 
 I'll shed these shackles of prejudice's weight, 
And stride towards a future, where love dictates.
 No longer confined by the ghosts of before, 
I'll spread my wings, and soar, and soar. 
 For the best version of me awaits in the mist, 
Untainted by judgment, in the journey I insist. 
I'll forge a path of empathy, where all can thrive,
 And in the mirror, I'll see the person I strive. 
 So let me be the change, let me be the light, 
Guiding others through the darkness of night. 
For one day, I'll stand tall, proud and true, 
Free from prejudices, and so will you.


Thursday 23 May 2024

The Difference Between Ideal and Idol


The Difference Between Ideal and Idol

In our everyday conversations, the terms "ideal" and "idol" are often used, sometimes interchangeably. However, these words have distinct meanings and connotations that are worth exploring. Understanding the difference between an ideal and an idol can clarify how we view and relate to role models, aspirations, and the values we hold dear.


An "ideal" represents a standard of perfection or excellence. It is an aspirational concept that embodies the highest principles, virtues, or goals we strive to achieve. Ideals can be moral, ethical, professional, or personal benchmarks that guide our behaviour and decisions. They are often abstract and not tied to any specific individual.

Examples of Ideals:

  • Honesty: Striving to be truthful in all interactions.

  • Justice: Working towards a fair and equitable society.

  • Excellence: Aspiring to achieve the highest standards in one’s work or craft.

  • Compassion: Showing empathy and kindness towards others.

Ideals serve as a guiding star, inspiring us to improve ourselves and our world. They are not always fully attainable, but they provide direction and purpose.


An "idol," on the other hand, is a tangible figure who is admired and often revered. This term can refer to a celebrity, a historical figure, or even a fictional character who embodies certain qualities or achievements that people admire. While idols can inspire, they are human and, therefore, fallible. The admiration for an idol can sometimes border on adulation, where their flaws might be overlooked or ignored.

Examples of Idols:

  • Athletes: Sachin Tendulkar, Leander Paes.

  • Musicians: Bismillah Khan or Pandit Ravishankar

  • Activists: Bhagat Singh or Chandershekhar Azad

  • Fictional Characters: Superman or Harry Potter.

Idols provide a more concrete example of what can be achieved. They are often celebrated for their specific talents, accomplishments, and influence. However, placing individuals on a pedestal can lead to unrealistic expectations and potential disillusionment when they inevitably show their human weaknesses.

Key Differences



Abstract vs. Concrete:

An abstract concept representing perfection or excellence.

A concrete individual who is admired or revered.

Infallibility vs. Fallibility:

Represents an unattainable perfection, guiding behavior without expectation of complete realization.

A real person with both strengths and weaknesses, capable of making mistakes.

Guidance vs. Adulation:

Serves as a moral or ethical compass.

Often elicits admiration or e

Timeless and unchanging

The Balance Between Ideals and Idols

Can change over time as public opinions and cultural values shift.

Both ideals and idols play significant roles in shaping our aspirations and values. Ideals push us towards self-improvement and societal betterment, encouraging us to strive for higher principles. Idols, meanwhile, offer tangible examples of success and influence, demonstrating what is possible through determination, talent, and effort.

However, it’s important to balance the influence of both. Relying solely on ideals can sometimes feel overwhelming and unattainable, leading to frustration or disillusionment. Conversely, idolizing individuals too heavily can result in misplaced expectations and disappointment when their human flaws come to light.


Understanding the difference between an ideal and an idol helps us navigate our personal and professional growth more effectively. By aspiring to ideals, we set a high standard for ourselves and society. By admiring idols, we gain inspiration from real-world examples of success and resilience. Balancing both allows us to stay grounded while reaching for the stars, fostering a healthier, more realistic approach to personal development and admiration.

In essence, while idols can inspire us through their achievements and journey, ideals guide us toward the highest virtues and standards. Recognizing and appreciating the roles of both can lead to a more nuanced and balanced path to self-improvement and fulfilment.


Tuesday 21 May 2024

The Intricate Personalities in the Movie "Srikanth'


The Intricate Personalities in the Movie "Srikanth"

"Srikanth" is a compelling narrative that explores the complex web of human emotions, relationships, and personal growth. The characters in the movie provide a rich tapestry of personalities, each contributing uniquely to the protagonist's journey. Let's delve into the distinct personalities that make "Srikanth" a remarkable cinematic experience.

Srikanth: The Protagonist's Evolution

Srikant, the central character, is portrayed as a fundamentally good soul. However, his journey is marred by deep-rooted insecurities and the challenges posed by his blindness. While dealing with Mr Venugopal  Srikanth struggles with gratitude,  using his blindness as a tool to garner sympathy. This behaviour is a manifestation of his insecurities, which many can relate to, as insecurities are a universal human experience.

Srikanth's transformation begins under the guidance of his teacher, Ms. Devika. Through her mentorship, Srikanth learns to overcome his insecurities and recognizes the importance of gratitude. His evolution from a self-pitying individual to a more self-aware and grateful person is a testament to his inner strength and resilience.

Ms. Devika: The Guiding Light

Ms. Devika epitomises the role of a transformative teacher. Her impact on Srikanth's life is profound, illustrating how a dedicated educator can shape a student's future. In Srikanth's struggling days, Ms. Devika stands as a pillar of support, providing not only academic guidance but also emotional and moral support. Her influence extends into Srikanth's achievements, where she continues to guide him towards the right path, emphasising integrity and self-belief.

Ms. Devika's unwavering belief in Srikanth’s potential highlights the crucial role teachers play in shaping the lives of their students, making her a beacon of hope and inspiration in the movie.

Mr. Ravi: The Ideal Partner

Mr. Ravi is portrayed as a true partner, whose support and understanding are pivotal to Srikanth's journey. Ravi's ability to balance encouragement with restraint makes him an exemplary figure in Srikanth’s life. He knows when to pull the leash, ensuring that Srikanth remains grounded and focused.

Ravi's clarity about his own demands and his unwavering support underscore the importance of having a reliable and supportive partner. His presence in Srikanth’s life symbolises the strength that comes from a balanced and understanding partnership.

Srikanth’s Parents: A Mixed Influence

While Srikanth’s parents are credited with giving him life, it is the people around him who shape his destiny. Despite this, Srikanth’s respect for his parents remains unwavering. He honours them in both good times and bad, reflecting a deep-seated sense of filial piety.

This respect, despite the limited role his parents play in his personal growth, highlights the traditional values of respect and gratitude towards one's parents, which Srikanth embodies throughout the movie.

Ms. Reddy: The Opportunistic Politician

Ms. Reddy is a politician whose character brings a different dynamic to the narrative. Though opportunistic, she is driven by a genuine spirit and sees potential in Srikanth because of his limitations. Her selection of Srikanth as a politician is a strategic move, yet it underscores a significant truth about societal views on disability and capability.

In his final speech, Srikanth asserts that individuals like him only need opportunities to prove their worth. This statement resonates deeply, advocating for equal opportunities for all, regardless of physical impairments. Ms. Reddy's character, while opportunistic, plays a crucial role in highlighting the broader societal issues and the importance of inclusivity.


The movie "Srikanth” is a rich exploration of various personalities, each contributing to the protagonist's development in meaningful ways. From the nurturing guidance of Ms. Devika to the steadfast support of Mr. Ravi, and the opportunistic yet impactful role of Ms. Reddy, every character plays a pivotal role in Srikanth’s journey.

The narrative reinforces the idea that personal growth and success are often the result of a collective effort, shaped by the influences and support of those around us. Srikanth’s story is a powerful reminder of the importance of gratitude, resilience, and the transformative power of opportunities.


Geeta Bhanwala

In the Still of the Night

  In the stillness of night, dreams drifted away, A peaceful embrace in the gentle display. Then a sound, sharp and jarring, tore through th...